Monday, June 9, 2008

Camp Vitamins

Camp Vitamins, originally uploaded by Wooly Biker.

What is a summer without camping? And what is camping without a pop up trailer? I'm not sure either, but I think it is still camping, maybe with just a tent. That's the way my family did it anyway when I was a couple years younger. Usually we just backpacked, so we really had no choice in the matter. But these days it's a bit harder to get kids interested in backpacking. Maybe I just didn't have a choice when I was a kid. Anyway, my wife convinced me that a pop up trailer would be just as 'out there' as a tent, except a bit better in the rain. Maybe a bit better all around, actually, now that I've tried it. Yes, we are now the proud owners of a slightly used but mostly mint Coleman Sea Pine, and we had her out on the maiden voyage this last weekend.

It was a great trip, and I have to admit that it was a lot more fun than setting up two tents and flopping around on a thin foam pad all night. We had a furnace, hot water, a refrigerator, indoor and outdoor gas stoves, a king bed, 4 sleeping areas, an awning, etc. etc. I'm not used to all these ammenities, but I can say it was a treat. Everyone slept well, ate well and had plenty of room to call their own. The Sea Pine will be out again in just 2 weeks when we go over to the coast for our trip to Fort Flagler on the Olympic Penninsula. We'll be there for 5 days, and this year we aren't worried about rain, thanks to my wifes persistance.

Close Encounters

Close Encounters, originally uploaded by Wooly Biker.

Gully Washer

Gully Washer, originally uploaded by Wooly Biker.