Saturday, February 23, 2008

Big Nuts

Big Nuts, originally uploaded by Wooly Biker.

I remember as a kid, while learning photography, that I didn't like to be bound to traditional subjects like people, flowers or pets, at least not in the traditional ways. So I cut off the bottom of a beer bottle with a hacksaw, stuck my macro lens inside it, and took a picture of my dog peaking in the top.

Another time I waxed my white car up real nice and shiny, then hosed it down to make a half-billion water droplets. Next I placed chocolate chips in rows amoungst the water drops, and out came the macro again for some pretty weird shots. Then there was time I made a lemon meringue pie soley for the purpose of taking close up of the "waves" on top.

I guess the thing is, macro photography is always there to explore, and it's just the ticket when you need a kick in the creative hind end.

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