Saturday, February 23, 2008

A kids best friends

A kids best friends, originally uploaded by Wooly Biker.

My perpetual adventure buddy these days is my 4 year old son Torin. My wife is too busy being a mom, and my teenagers are too busy being teenagers. So Torin and I hike, bike and ski together. This summer, he'll be big enough to go on the outrigger canoe with me, and for sure he'll be paddling a double kayak.

This picture is from what Torin calls "our mountain" because it's practically right in our backyard. You can't throw a baseball and hit it, it's not that close, but maybe three throws would do it, or two if you were a pro.

There's a badger hole up here that we like to go look at, hoping that someday it might be re-occupied. On the other hand, I suppose it's a good thing that it's vacant, as I think badgers are pretty shady characters. We did spy some coyote tracks in the mud, and I wondered how many poodles were missing in the neighborhood.

Fortunately, our neighboorhod isn't rich enough to support a poodle population, only Golden Retreivers, Labrador Retreivers, maybe a Husky or a Brittany Spaniel. The good dogs. The ones that bark, not yap. The ones that chase balls and lay in your lap and swim a lot in the summer. Good dogs sure make really great friends.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Hold these days tight in your mind and heart because you know how fast they can fly away :)Loving your blog o'l Wooly Rider