Saturday, February 23, 2008


Rust, originally uploaded by Wooly Biker.

OK, I would love to be taking Kodak Moment shots of my family on a palm studded Hawaiian beach, but I'm not in Hawaii. And I probably won't be going soon. I've got to save money for a tandem with a nice brass bell and a basket on it.

So, instead of Hawaii, I'm 1/2 mile from my house where there is this big, big power pole, and it's made of steel. Steel rusts, and then the concrete holding up the steel rusts, or gets a rust bath I guess. I take a picture of the rust-bathed concrete.

Now if I could photoshop my family into this photo, it would be just as good as a Hawaiian sunset, only better, because I didn't have to pay to get there. I walked. With my son and my dogs.

What more do we really need? Maybe a shaved ice would be nice, but that's about it. Oh, and some crashing waves. Well, and then there's those palm trees I see in the Outside Magazine articles that tell me where I should go next.

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