Sunday, February 3, 2008

Lunchbreak in Sage Hills

Hunkering down, originally uploaded by Wooly Biker.

One of my Winter workouts is a quick trip up to Sage Hills at lunchtime for a quick snowshoe. This one was a bit cold, windy and snowy, but still fun. The deer were pretty well snuggled in out of the wind, and not too interested in me. I've seen cougar tracks up on the ridge top twice now, and I keep thinking I might run into one someday. Those big cats are pretty abundant around here, but I have yet to see one in the wild, which is pretty weird.

I made a Survivor Man type video at the top that I thought was pretty funny. I was having a bad morning at home with some pretty difficult teenager issues, so this hike/ Survivor Man parody definately lifted my spirits. Happiness tends to be where you make it I suppose. The problem is, this kind of happiness is just a temporary band-aid to cover the sadness that I feel. Not that a band-aid isn't a great thing, just that when you take it off, the reason for the sadness is still there.

The hike was still a worthy endeavor in it's own right however: excercise, fresh air, beautiful views, wildlife, etc., and it also gave me time to reflect on the events of the day. Not a great day, but tomorrow will be better, and the next day will be beter yet.

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